[Ukulele basics] Do – Re – Mi – Fa – Sol – La – Ti – Do Note Form on ukulele

Ukulele basics

Ukulele basics : Do – Re – Mi – Fa – Sol – La – Ti – Do Note Form on ukulele

[Ukulele basics] Here is a beginner’s uku lele lesson. To start with the uku lele, the first step is to learn the scale names. Let’s find out how to play do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do on the uku lele. Uku lele isn’t too difficult, so if you practice slowly and follow along, you’ll get the hang of it in no time.

ukulele string numbers

Ukulele basics

Let’s start by learning the ukulele string numbers. The lowest string on the ukulele is called the ‘1st string.’ Then, moving upward, we have the ‘2nd string,’ the ‘3rd string,’ and the ‘4th string.

Ukulele fret positions

Ukulele basics

When counting frets on the ukulele, the first fret starts from the side where the uku lele’s tuning pegs are, and it’s referred to as the ‘1st fret.’ From there, you number the frets consecutively.

Let’s learn do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do


Ukulele do

When you pluck the 3rd string without pressing down on any fret, it produces a ‘DO’ sound.


When you press down the 3rd string on the 2nd fret and pluck it, it produces a ‘RE’ sound.


When you pluck the 2nd string without pressing down on any fret, it produces a ‘MI’ sound.


When you press down the 2nd string on the 1st fret and pluck it, it produces a ‘FA’ sound.


When you press down the 2nd string on the 3rd fret and pluck it, it produces a ‘SOL’ sound.


When you pluck the 1st string without pressing down on any fret, it produces a ‘LA’ sound.


When you press down the 1st string on the 2nd fret and pluck it, it produces a ‘TI’ sound.


When you press down the 1st string on the 3rd fret and pluck it, it produces a higher ‘DO’ sound.

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