추천클릭 ▶︎ Canon Rock PDF guitar sheet music 2 types |
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Cannon Rock Lesson Improvisation Style
Cannon Rock Lesson Improvisation Style : When you watch many Canon Rock videos on YouTube, you can see that everyone plays it in their own style, improvising to fit Canon’s melody. To find out how to play in your own style without sticking to the sheet music, you first need to understand music theory.
Canon is in what key?
When you look at the sheet music for Canon, there are two sharps in the key signature.
A key with two sharps in its key signature is D major.
The scale used in D major is the D major scale.
And the diatonic chords based on the D major scale are as follows.
Canon was composed using the above D diatonic chords only.
The scale can vary for different chords, but if a composition like Canon is built entirely on diatonic chords, then you can indeed play it using just one scale from start to finish. That would be the D major scale (Ionian scale)!
Alright, I’ll give it a try by playing the main melody of Canon up to 24 seconds and then improvising from 25 seconds onwards using the D major scale as the foundation.
Here we go!
추천클릭 ▶︎ Canon Rock PDF guitar sheet music 2 types |
추천클릭 ▶︎ 3 guitar licks for any occasion |
추천클릭 ▶︎ (Jung Kook) ‘Seven’ 7 GUITAR lesson |
추천클릭 ▶︎ guitar do re mi fa sol la si do lesson 추천클릭 ▶︎ 키스더기타 |